最近私はThe Secret を読みました。
この本はRhonda Byrneによって書かれている。
This is a spiritual self-help book.
This book give us motivation when we are facing problems.
The main concept in this book is about The Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction is the power of the individuals positive thinking that will make the positive changes in their life.
According to the book an individual can become happier,wealthier and healthier by using The Law of Attraction.
The book claimed that there was a woman who got breast cancer and she recovered from the disease without taking any medicine and went through any therapy.What she do was, when she find out that she got breast cancer, she think that she already recovered from the disease.She keep doing this everyday.After three months, when she went to have a body check, the result shows that she already recovered from the disease.This sound unbelievable.This shows that how man's thought can change their life.